Highlights from the SYSTEMIC General Assembly meeting

The second SYSTEMIC General Assembly meeting (4-5 June 2019 – Halle, Germany) brought together all partners to discuss project achievements over the past 12 months, as well as to agree and plan activities for the upcoming year.

Some of the highlights include:

  • Data collection on organic (micro)pollutants from the demonstration plants to be used for monitoring and environmental impact assessment has progressed; these data will be subsequently evaluated against the national legislation of each demo plant.
  • The business case evaluation of the demo plants, following implementation of Nutrient Recovery and Re-use (NRR) technologies, is due for publication imminently.
  • The first results from field and laboratory tests of recovered bio-based products have come through; these will be continuously monitored throughout the project and be made publicly available at its end in 2021.
  • The approach for the Environmental Impact Assessment of the recovered products for each of the plants, scenarios to be explored and data requirements have been agreed.
  • A web tool to assess NRR technologies, product flows and quality will be developed in a user-friendly way and based on the data selection.