Bio gas plant owner / operator

The plants

We have 5 demonstration plants located in 5 different countries: the Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Germany and the UK. Check out the details!

11 other biogas plants were selected as our outreach locations and will be exploring in the project a suitable business case with nutriënt recovery. Read more here!

Our network of biogas plants reaches even further! Our Associated Plants also comitted themselves to be involved in the project.

All our biogas plants want to supply us information on their digestate, separation technologies and nutrient recovery and

in return they can enjoy the following benefits:

  • Unique network of other biogas plants to contact, visit, exchange experiences
  • Scientific consortium with experience in agronomy, manure treatment, field trials, environmental impact
  • Updates on the database with separation effiencies and recovery effieciences, prices of technologies etc
  • Publicity via the project website
  • Network towards the (fertilizer)industry
  • opportunity to visit other biogas plants
  • feedback and help from the project consortium when requested

Never ending professional related friendships with international biogas plants and consortium members


SYSTEMIC will demonstrate several technologies for the recovery of N from digestate including

  1. a novel combination of reverse osmosis and evaporator (AmPower)
  2. an improved inline N-stripper producing ammonium-sulphate (Acqua&Sole, Rika Biofuels)
  3. a newly developed N-stripping technology enabling N-recovery without the use of sulfuric acid (GNS)

At Groot Zevert (NL), SYSTEMIC will demonstrate the implementation of EU’s first integrated N,P stripper which enables the plant owner to remove a predefined fraction of P from the solid phase.

Business case

Information on the business cases from the demonstration plants will be delivered near the end of the project.

If you would like intermediate project results and learn from other biogas installations all over Europe? Read more.


Don’t miss the following conferences (2018):