Within SYSTEMIC, 3 groups of anaerobic digestion plants throughout Europe are created to help build up a real-life information database, from which the SYSTEMIC consortium will create a Business Development Package (BDP).
The 3 groups are: the demonstration plants, the outreach locations & the associated plants.
Each of them is recognised as an official contributor to the project and therefore their logo and name will appear on the SYSTEMIC website.

Demonstration plants

At five large-scale demonstration plants, SYSTEMIC demonstrates new approaches for the vaporisation of bio waste into green energy, fertilisers and organic soil improvers. More info

Outreach plants

Since a systemic innovation of within a circular economy framework demands that the approaches developed must be applicable at other locations than the demonstration sites. Therefore, ten outreach locations will be selected which will act as the (first) followers. SYSTEMIC will develop region-specific business cases for the individual outreach locations plants taking into account the available resources in the region and the need of minerals and organic amendments in the region. More information

Associated Plants

In order to make our Business Development Tool more robust, we are looking for AD plants who are willing to share information on their process (recovery rates), input streams and end products with us you. These plants will become Associated plants.
Communication of information to the SYSTEMIC consortium will be personal, via qustionnaire, e-mail or telephone. All information will be treated confidential and will not be made public and kept anonymous. It will only serve to extend the database behind the Business Development Tool.

In return, the Associated plants will have these benefits:

  • Their logo will appear on the SYSTEMIC website
  • They will have access to online communication platform of the Living Labs where questions about the techniques, end products, etc. can be posed and will be answered during the Living Lab workshops.
  • They will be receive newsletters with intermediate project results and reports on the Living Lab workshops.
  • They are invited to the Living Lab workshops.

More information